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Pinehurst Village Council Adopts Resolution to Form a Joint Working Group with NCDOT to Improve the Circle, Not Destroy It

The massive response by Moore County citizens in calling and writing the decision makers and influencers, the massive turnout at the DOT public meetings, and over 3000 signatures on the petition has made all the difference to NCDOT, and the Pinehurst Village Council has responded.

"We, the Village Council, request NC-DOT explore other options that could improve the flow of traffic at PTC – but not destroy it, that they would refrain from taking property from any of our residents, and preserve the historic Midland Road (often referred to as “The Fifth Avenue of Golf”) access to the Circle."

NCDOT was proposing a "Shifted Pillow" continuous flow intersection (CFI) that would replace the iconic and historic Pinehurst Traffic Circle

This proposal would have cut down 6 acres of long leaf pine trees  - our State Tree - in the Circle, and other trees nearby.  It would have affected or taken several properties by eminent domain.  The roadways that would be included in the new intersection are 15/501 North and South, NC 211, and Midland Road East going toward Southern Pines.

Midland Road West toward Pinehurst would have not been accessible from the area we know as the Circle.  Midland Road toward Pinehurst will be accessible from NC211 via a new connector road that will intersect Midland in the area of Dalrymple Road (across from the back entrance to #7).

"I appreciate you sending me the information regarding the proposed replacement of the Pinehurst Traffic Circle.  Pinehurst is an amazing treasure for our state.  I am grateful for the economic contribution that it makes.  I will forward the information you shared with me to Secretary Hopkins."


Here's what Pinehurst officials said at their work session on 6/25/24.  Write to them and let them know what you think:

Pat Pizzella, Mayor:  "We must work together to improve the Pinehurst traffic circle, not destroy it" (


John Taylor, Mayor Pro Tem: "There are numbers in DOT's presentation itself which can be called into question." (

Barb Ficklin, Treasurer: "The underlying traffic data and population growth assumptions need to be revisited before considering any drastic conventional, unconventional, or unwarranted designs." (

Jack Farrell, Council Member: "I look to those items [Village Council Letter to NCDOT] to be addressed before we turn the whole world upside down." (


Jeff Morgan, Council Member: "I would encourage folks to make sure their voices are heard." (​​

Meet Jerry. Unless we call, write, and turn out at public meetings, his home on Midland Road will be taken by NCDOT, who will destroy the Circle by replacing it with a continuous flow intersection.

Meet Jennifer. Unless we call, write, and turn out at public meetings, her home on Midland Road will be taken by NCDOT, who will destroy the Circle by replacing it with a continuous flow intersection.

NCDOT Meeting in Pinehurst Makes Regional News

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